
Butta by da fish ..

.. as we say here in the true North, if we want to say politely, that is to say, a little cumbersome and secluded, that we please get to the point..

Even the ancient Romans knew: paper is patient. Beyond all paper ideas and noble concepts, however, the design of a solution is ultimately the creative core, the creative heart through which an idea comes to life and takes shape step by step. For example, in the form of a corporate design on which an unmistakable visual identity can be built, or in the form of a corporate communications strategy that leads to a uniform and stringent communication concept.

It always starts, depending on the need, with the central means of communication name and logo. This is followed – building on – by the entire visual appearance of an organisation, a company or a product. How much butta comes by da fish is ultimately up to you or the requirements of your task. The design potentially encompasses all the visual expressions of a company: starting with the business documents, further on the advertising media, product design and packaging, as a rule the internet and social media presence, but also, where appropriate, interior design or the appearance of work clothes.

The Sky is The Limit.

Projekte des Marketingsegments Design